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编辑 2024-06-04 12:53:51 科技资讯

1. surelaptop,三人英语购物情景对话每人15句?

顾客1: Excuse me, where can I find the women's clothing section?

店员: It's on the second floor, to your right. You can take the escalator or the elevator.

顾客1: Thank you.

顾客2: Do you have this dress in a smaller size?

店员: Let me check for you. Yes, we have it in a smaller size. Would you like me to bring it for you?

顾客2: Yes, please. Thank you.

顾客3: Can I try on these jeans?

店员: Of course! The fitting rooms are right over there. Let me know if you need any assistance.

顾客3: Great, thank you.

顾客1: I really like this blouse. Can you tell me the price?

店员: Sure, let me check the price tag for you. It is $35.

顾客1: I think I'll take it.

顾客2: Excuse me, do you have any discounts or promotions going on?

店员: Yes, we currently have a 20% off promotion on all items in the store.

顾客2: That's great! I'll take advantage of that.

顾客3: I'm looking for a pair of running shoes. Can you recommend any?

店员: What's your shoe size and preferred brand?

顾客3: Size 9 and I prefer Nike or Adidas.

店员: We have some Nike running shoes in your size right here. Let me show you.

顾客1: I'm interested in this handbag. Is it genuine leather?

店员: Yes, it is made of genuine leather. It's one of our best sellers.

顾客1: Great! Can I see it in brown color?

顾客2: Excuse me, I'm looking for a gift for my friend. Do you have any suggestions?

店员: What does your friend like? Any specific interests or hobbies?

顾客2: She loves reading, so maybe a nice book or a bookmark?

店员: We have a selection of popular books and stylish bookmarks. Let me show you.

顾客3: I would like to return this sweater. It doesn't fit me well.

店员: Sure, do you have the receipt with you?

顾客3: Yes, here it is.

店员: Okay, I will process the return for you.

顾客1: Can I pay with a credit card?

店员: Yes, we accept all major credit cards. You can pay at the cash register over there.

顾客1: Thank you.

顾客2: Is there a loyalty program or rewards system for frequent shoppers?

店员: Yes, we have a loyalty program. You can sign up for it at the customer service desk.

顾客2: I'll definitely sign up then. Thank you.

顾客3: Can I get a gift receipt for this purchase?

店员: Of course! Just let me know, and I'll include a gift receipt in your bag.

顾客3: That would be great, thank you.

顾客1: Do you offer alterations or tailoring services?

店员: Yes, we have an in-house tailor who can assist you with alterations. Would you like to schedule an appointment?

顾客1: Yes, please. I need to get these pants hemmed.

店员: I'll make a note and schedule an appointment for you.


2. surelaptop是什么牌子?




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